
Port Isaac, North Cornwall, UK


When it comes to plans of visiting Port Isaaс, most of us wonder what is the best time to go there. The answer to this question depends on your preferences and purpose of travel. That is why we provide you with some annual weather facts collected from historical climate data.

The climate in the area of Cornwall, England, UK, can be described as mild. Generally, weather in Port Isaaс it is warm and temperate. Nevertheless, the area sees a lot of rainfall throughout the year. Even in April, the driest month of the year, there are a lot of rainy days. On average, precipitation in Port Isaaс is about 967 mm a year.

Most precipitation falls from November to December with an average of  112 mm. That is why November and December are considered to be the wettest months and should be avoided if you do not like too much rain. In April, the driest month of the year, precipitation is about 56 mm. This means that between the driest and wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 56 mm.

Temperature averages 10.7 °C. The hottest month of the year is July. An average temperature in July is about 16.8 °C. The month that sees the lowest average temperature of the whole year of about 5.2 °C is January. The average temperatures vary during the year by 11.6 °C.
